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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-06-28  浏览次数:3172


2013年9月14-15日   地点:长春农业博览园东北四省行业盛会,辐射辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省、内蒙古四大展区:一、种畜禽:种猪\种禽\商品猪\商品家禽\其它畜种\毛皮动物及其生产材料二、兽药及动物保健品:兽药、兽药原料、药物添加剂、畜禽疫苗诊断试剂、生物制品、兽药器械、兽药生产加工、包装设备材料制药机械、兽药疫苗及动物保健品生产机械等。三、畜牧设备:畜牧机械、孵化设备、畜牧工程、自动化饲养场建设施和材料、猪栏、集约化挤奶设备、集蛋设备、通风设备、取暖设备、供料设备、饮水设备、环保排污设备、照明设备、养殖废弃物无公害处理设备等。四、饲料工业:添加剂预混合饲料;浓缩饲料、配合饲料、特种饲料等、饲料原料、饲料添加剂、饲料配方技术、饲料产品质量检测仪器设备;饲料生产加工机械设备及配件;配合饲料加工设备;成套(水产)颗粒饲料加工机组;各种饲料包装机械设备、质量检测仪器设备;微机控制系统及软硬件;宣传媒体及相关科技报刊等。牧草业:优良牧草种子,牧草播种、收割、加工、贮存机械设备等宣传攻势与观众邀请:大众媒体通过电视台、电台、报纸、户外广告等主流媒体进行广泛宣传和新闻报道;行业媒体通过行业内报纸、杂志、网站等专业媒体进行展会信息发布和全方位的宣传;资讯下乡大会宣传小组将重点邀请辽、吉、黑、蒙、冀、豫、鲁、晋、苏、皖等地区各市、县、乡专业人士,发放邀请函、入场券、海报,邀请其到会参观;现代通讯组织单位秉承多年的办展经验,根据自身积累的专业观众数据库通过电话、短信、传真、电子邮件等多种形式有针对性的邀请专业客商;参展费用:○特装光地(品牌展区):500元/㎡,36平方米起租,不含任何展具及设施;○标准展位(3米×3米):4800元/个,角展位另加收300元;会刊及会场广告:封面:¥15000元∕P,封底:¥10000元∕P,封二封三:¥6000∕P  内页:¥3000元∕P注:会刊尺寸为210mm*140mm.室外主背景板(13*15m)30000/张 限1张   室外背景板(3*6m)20000/张 限6张拱门5000/只/展期 限6只  刀旗2000/面 限16面 条幅1000/条/展期 限20条空飘气球2000/只 限10只 企业举办产品推介会专场2000元/小时请于2013年8月10日前将菲林或光盘交至组委会2013东北国际畜牧业暨饲料工业展览会组委会联系人:徐刚18686619170地址:长春市经开区浦东路898号博大集团308室邮编:130033电话:0431-85834605  85834602传真:0431-85834601Northeast China International Livestock Expo Exhibition 2013Time: September 14-15, 2013Venue: Changchun Agriculture Expo ParkBig Event for Livestock Sector Spanning Four Provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner MongoliaFour Exhibition Zones:I. Breeding livestock and poultry: boars/breeding poultry/commercial pigs/commercial poultry/other livestock/ fur animals and production materialsII.Veterinarymedicineand animal healthcare products: veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine raw materials, veterinary medicine additives, diagnostic reagents for livestock and poultry vaccine, biological products, veterinary medical equipments, veterinary medicine manufacture and processing, packing equipments and materials, veterinary medicine manufacture equipments, animal vaccines, manufacture equipments of animal healthcare products, etc.III. Livestock equipments: livestock machines, incubation equipments, livestock engineering, construction facilities and materials for automatic feeding farm, swinery, intensive milking facilities, egg collection facilities, ventilation devices, heating devices, feeding devices, water drinking facilities, sewage treatment facilities, lighting facilities, non-pollution treatment devices for livestock waste, etc.IV. Feed industry: additive premix; concentrated feed, formulated feed, special feed, feed raw materials, feed additives, feed formula technology, feed quality inspecting apparatus and equipments; feed manufacture and processing machines and parts; processing equipments of formulated feed; whole processing set of (aquatic) granulated feed; various feed packing machines and equipments, quality inspecting equipments and facilities; computer-controlled system and software & hardware; press media and related scientific journals, etc.Forage grass industry: forage grass seeds of high quality, sowing, harvesting, processing, and storage machines of forage grass, etc.Publicity campaign and targeted audience:Mass media: conduct widespread publicity and coverage through mainstay media like TV, radio, newspaper, outdoor advertisement, etc.Industrial media: release exhibition information and carry out the all-round publicity campaign through professional newspapers, journals, and websites in the field;Exhibition-related information to countryside: the communications team will go for professionals at cities, counties and countries in many provinces like Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, etc. to send them materials like Letter of Invitation, Admission Ticket, poster so as to attract their participation;Modern telecommunications: rested on years of experience in hosting exhibitions and the increasingly accumulated database of professional audience, the organizer has adopted various means of phone call, SMS, fax and email to invite the targeted customers and enterprises to participant in the exhibition;Exhibition Fee:Exhibition area of special design (for famous bands): RMB500/m2; minimum area: 36m2 (none exhibition facilities is provided in such special site);Standard exhibition booth (3m×3m): RMB4800/booth (additional RMB300 is charged for every booth at corners).Exhibition journal and onsite advertisement:Front cover: RMB15000/P; back cover: RMB10000/P; inside front cover: RMB6000/P; inside back cover: RMB3000/P.Note: The size of exhibition journal is 210mm*140mmOutdoor main background board (13*15m): RMB30000/board (only one board is available on the exhibition)Outdoor background plate (3*6m): RMB20000/board (only six boards are available on the exhibition)Arch gate: RMB5000/gate/exhibition-time (only six gates are available on the exhibition); flag: RMB2000/flag (only 16 flags are available on the exhibition); banner: RMB1000/banner/exhibition-time (only 20 flags are available on the exhibition)Floating balloon: RMB2000/balloon (only 10 balloons are available on the exhibition)Product promotion event: RMB2000/hourPlease submit promotional film or disk to the Organizing Committee before August 10, 2013Organizing Committee of Northeast China International Livestock & Feed Industrial Exhibition 2013Liaison: Xu Gang  Telephone: 18686619170Address: Room 308, Boda Group, No. 898, Pudong Road, Jingkai District, Changchun, 130033, PRCTel.: +86-0431-85834605  85834602  Fax: +86-0431-85834601

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